Hi, i am the clan founder of -=BCK=-. im called, Sweetback. we have been up & running BrickCityKillers since 1998. we are a great bunch of friends that enjoy pc gameing. if you are looking to join a stable clan . were what you looking for. currently we host 7 servers . 1 cod4 , 1 cod waw, 5 bf2142.
we run teamspeak 2 for chat,;8767 is our teamspeak. stop by our website & ask for password , or you can check with me on xfire, sweetback1 is my xfire. or just stop by & chat. all are welcome. thanks
we run teamspeak 2 for chat,;8767 is our teamspeak. stop by our website & ask for password , or you can check with me on xfire, sweetback1 is my xfire. or just stop by & chat. all are welcome. thanks